Over the tiles of the Grail Everything artistically realized by Lorant Agoston bears the marks of storytelling. He simply ignores the boundary between childhood and adult world. Once it pervaded his paintings and graphics, enmeshed smaller and larger danger...
Endless Moment Reading these few words takes only a moment, but when you recall the pictures of the past, those moments become endless. As you were sitting on the swing with a half bar of chocolate in your hand, and now you already feel the sticky cellophane on...
A történetük végtelen és időtlen. Mintha már évezredek óta végeznék ugyanazokat a mozdulatokat. Felveszik, ami leesett, kicserélik a villanykörtét, megjavítják a mosógépet, mindezt lassan, megfontoltan. Van rá idejük. Néha megállnak gondolkodni, ilyenkor szembetűnő...
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