Endless Moment


Reading these few words takes only a moment, but when you recall the pictures of the past, those moments become endless.

As you were sitting on the swing with a half bar of chocolate in your hand, and now you already feel the sticky cellophane on your fingers.

No matter where you are, what you do, you have the ability to recall these moments. You may sit in a park beneath the dusty foliage of Paris, or you can stare on the foams of the Tisza, the picture changes in you.

Endless moments have personality, they are unique, just like you. They can be good and unfortunately, they may be bad as well.

Good moments are like honey, like cherry blooming, the buzz of bees in the young foliage. Good moments have a scent that can be fruity, but wild feelings can be accompanied by the smell of musk. In fact, a scent can also spark the recall of an endless moment, like when you smelt  Sunday cake from the kitchen or when a familiar perfume cloud floats beside you on the street.

Bad moments were burnt in your soul with fire, thus they are indestructible, and they strike from the shadows unexpectedly. Bad moments take advantage of your weakness, they attack when you’re feeble and down. Bad moments are jealous, it’s better not to think about them.

No matter where you are, what you do, you have the ability to recall these moments.  May the concrete of the riverbank press your buttock or you may scatter bread for pigeons, the picture changes in you. Memories photographed on veils.

There, in that state of eternity, the world around you quietens down to colour splashes, an evaporating dazzle. Only you are real, only You and your endless moments. When you appear in the memories of others, you also become an endless moment.

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