I was born in 1970 in Törökkanizsa, Yugoslavia. I have been working as an artist and a teacher for almost thirty years. During this time, I have gained experience in primary, secondary, and tertiary education. I regularly participate in organizing and working at summer art workshops, take part in study trips at home and abroad, and frequently contribute to charity auctions. I have illustrated several books of poetry, participated in the creation of public artworks, and made experimental films. It is important to me to bring people closer to artworks, to the love and enjoyment of the arts, through my creations and teaching. Currently, I live and work in Budapest and Cserhátsurány





2009–2010                  Szeged University, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, MA in Visual and Environmental Culture Education


1995–1997                  József Attila University, Szeged, Certified Environmentalist

1991–1995                  Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College, Szeged, Art&Geography Teacher









Szerbtemplom Gallery, Balassagyarmat, Hungary 

Small Town Gallery, Senta, Serbia

SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia

KZ-Kulturna Zona Gallery, Novi Knezevac, Serbia

Magyar Műhely Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

SZAB Gallery, Szeged, Hungary

Hegyvidék Cultural Center Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2018 A2 Gastro Caffé Gallery, Hungary
2017 Tiszavirág Gallery, Szeged, Hungary
2015 Lakáskiállítás-Apartment Gallery, Vas u., Budapest, Hungary
2014 SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia
2014 Gallery of the University of Szeged, Hungary
2012 ‘zETNA Gallery’, Senta , Serbia
2012 Szilády Áron Gimnázium Gallery, Kiskunhalas, Hungary
2010 Grand Café, Szeged, Hungary
2009 Dobó Tihamér Gallery, Kanjiza, Serbia
2008 Tanítóképző Főiskola, Subotica, Serbia
2008 SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia
2006 Duna Múzeum Gallery, Esztergom, Hungary
2005 MÉH Gallery, Szeged, Hungary
2005 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
2005 Könyvtár, Kiskunhalas, Hungary
2003 Diákotthon, Subotica,Yugoslavia
2002 Elvis Cafe, Budapest, Hungary
2001 Zöld Ház Gallery, Esztergom, Hungary
2000 József Attila Gallery, Esztergom, Hungary
1999 Könyvtár, Senta, Yugoslavia
1999 Kanjiza, Yugoslavia
1998 Rimska Dvorana, Beograd, Yugoslavia
1998 Könyvtár, Novi Knezevac, Yugoslavia

A large number of Group Exhibitions in Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Poland, Finland, France, Italy.







Szeged City, Hungary – ‘Creator’s Award’

Hungarian Academy, Rome, Italy – Rome Scholarship

2013 XXIII. Art Teachers’ Exhibition, Szeged, Hungary –Jury’s Special Award
2012 XIV. Boardpicture-painting Biennale, Szeged, Hungary – Jury’s Special Award
2011 XXI. Art Teachers’ Exhibition, Szeged, Hungary – ‘Educators’ Union Award’
2011 Stara Moravica, Serbia – ‘Olaf Award’
2011 Szeged City, Hungary – ‘Creator’s Award’
2006 XVI. Art Teachers’ Exhibition, Szeged, Hungary – First Prize
2005 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France – Paris Scholarship
2005 Szeged City, Hungary – Young Artist Award